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to bring about a just result for you.
Litigation • Planning / Strategy • Courtroom Expertise
Featured Case
$1.6 million settlement, $275,000 to Jim’s client Jennie Lumbra, for sexual harassment against McDonald’s franchise owned by Coughlin, Corporation. EEOC, State of Vermont and Jennie Lumbra v. McDonalds, Coughlin Corporation, Vermont Federal Court. Jim’s client Jennie Lumbra filed the first claim with the US Equal Employment Commission. The EEOC investigated and found that Jennie’s charge was meritorious. They also found that Jennie was not the only victim. The EEOC sued McDonald’s and Jennie and the State of Vermont joined the claim. The State of Vermont joined because these recent violations violated a settlement reached with franchise in 2007 concerning sexual harassment. The rest of the settlement will compensate a dozen other employees who were subjected to sexual harassment. Reform of its policies and procedures concerning workplace sexual harassment are also a part of the settlement and court order.
Meet James Levins

In Jim’s 40 years practicing law, he has represented clients in hundreds of cases, ranging from personal injury to employment discrimination and family law. Jim has a special focus on helping individuals putting their lives back together after becoming derailed by the illegal actions of others through no fault of their own. Jim conscientiously chooses which cases he takes on, so that each of his clients can expect personal, focused attention from their first consultation to the completion of their case.

Car Crashes
Jim has handled hundreds of motor vehicle crash cases, including wrongful death, traumatic brain, spine and other injuries. Injuries caused by the negligence and carelessness of other drivers can immediately and significantly change everything.

Employment Discrimination
Jim’s work in employment law has resulted in successful financial recoveries for his clients.

Medical Negligence
Medical negligence cases are usually vigorously defended and require an attorney familiar with these kinds of cases.

Nursing Home & Assisted Living Law
Nursing Home & Assisted Living Law focuses on protecting the rights, safety, and well-being of residents in long-term care facilities, addressing issues like neglect, abuse, and regulatory compliance.